
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2023

My major

  Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my major and the reasons why I decide to study this (design). When I was a child, I always like the arts, clothes, make up and tv shows like America´s Next Top Model. I like to express my feelings and frustrations on art so the decision wasn´t so hard. But when I was growing, I thought that I was going to study something like art or illustration. In fact, days before the results of the admission test were announced, I was applying to an institute to study illustration.   Things turned out in a way I wasn't planning on, but I'm very happy with my decision. I fall in love with my career every time I do a project and I really enjoy the story´s behind all the design creations. I hope that you enjoyed reading this! See you soon.
  Hi! My name is Carla Valencia I´m nineteen years old and I study design in the Universidad de Chile. Since I was a little girl, I like the art and I enjoy so much painting and drawing, so I love my career. I´m from Santiago de Chile, San Joaquin. I been living here all my life, but I would like to go to another place because I want more space. I live here with my mom, my two brothers and my two nephews. My brother´s name is Francisco and my sister´s name is Paula; they are older than me for more of ten years. I have two cats and one dog. My cat´s names are Janis and Oscar, and my dog’s name is Tony. They are old now, but they have the same energy than before.                                                                          Janis                                                                      Oscar                                                                     Tony